Snowpiercer is an American post-apocalyptic dystopian thriller television drama series that premiered on TNT on May 17, 2020. The series, a reboot of the film's continuity, follows the passengers of the Snowpiercer, a gigantic, perpetually moving train that circles the globe carrying the remnants of humanity seven years after the world becomes a frozen wasteland. The series questions class warfare, social injustice, and the politics of survival.
Prior to studio shutdowns that occurred due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the second season's production was completed. The second season is set to premiere on January 25, 2021.
However, TNT is geo-blocked outside the USA. That means that you cannot watch TNT in UK, Canada, Australia, France, Spain, or Germany. However, by using a VPN, you’ll be able to bypass regional restrictions and access TNT abroad.
How to watch Snowpiercer season 2 from anywhere?
- Choose a VPN with a decent US network of high-speed servers. My top pick is FlyVPN as it easily bypasses geo-restricted content and offers top security features.
- Install the VPN and connect to a US VPN server.
- Sign up/log in to TNT and start streaming Snowpiercer season 2 from anywhere.
FlyVPN is definitely my top pick for streaming Snowpiercer season 2 from anywhere. With an impressive US network of over 280 servers, you can break through CBS All Access’s geoblocks and enjoy a reliable connection when streaming Criminal Minds.
If you want to try it out, FlyVPN offers a free trial VPN service too. Simply create an account or in FlyVPN client or App, you can get 3 days free VPN for the first time. After 3 days, you can use FlyVPN 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time. If you still have questions about how to watch Snowpiercer season 2 from anywhere on Windows, iOS(iPhone, iPad), Android, Mac OSX, please leave a comment.