Internet censorship in Russia is not news. This time it is Telegram, a secure messaging whose data can not be spied by a third party. Telegram is the second largest social network to be blocked in Russia after LinkedIn in 2016. The consequence is that this battle also has effects on third parties like Amazon and Google that have nothing to do with this folder.
The Roskomnadzor, the Federal Communications Supervision Service, has implemented extensive measures leading to the blocking of Telegram. Thus, following the decision of the Russian court, the organization has blocked 20 million IP addresses, but all apparently does not happen as it should.
Unlock Telegram in Russia
Telegram is still accessible in Russia, even if the messaging suffers from some disruption, but many other sites are also disturbed or unavailable! This is because many addresses that have been blocked are those of shared servers. That is, in addition to some Telegram services, these servers host sites or pieces of sites that are unrelated to the affected mail. For example, some websites such as the Kremlin Museum or Volvo are no longer functional, and services such as Xbox Live or Playstation Network are more accessible. Viber messaging, too, seems highly disrupted, and even unavailable for some Russian residents.
While Roskomnadzor claims that Telegram is currently blocked for around 30% of the population, Pavel Durov, the co-founder of the e-mail, said at the same time that the service remained accessible. To summarize the facts, the Russian government wants to block Telegram, but it does not happen for the moment, and many other sites and services are themselves extremely disturbed.
How to bypass the Telegram censorship in Russia?
The blocking of the application has necessarily pushed users to find ways to circumvent the censorship of the Russian authorities. To get around Russian censorship, the best solution is to
use a VPN. This tool allows surfing anonymously on the Internet and thus avoid geographical blockages by modifying the visible IP address and encrypting the data sent and received.
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