Arcane: League of Legends is an adult animated steampunk action-adventure television series created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee. It was produced by the French animation studio Fortiche under the supervision of Riot Games, and distributed by Netflix. Set in Riot's League of Legends universe, it primarily focuses on sisters Vi and Jinx. The second and final season premiered on November 9, 2024 and will continue to be released through to November 23.
Nevertheless, a significant portion of the content on Netflix is obtained through licenses from third-party sources, and these licenses often limit the geographical regions where the content can be accessed. For instance, if a particular show's owner has granted the BBC the sole broadcasting rights in the UK, Netflix will be prohibited from presenting that content to UK viewers. However, Netflix might acquire the rights to air the same show in other nations. Moreover, due to social, religious (open in new window), or political considerations (open in new window), including for Netflix Originals series and films, certain content may not be made available in specific countries.
How to Watch Arcane: League of Legends season 2 from anywhere |
To access Netflix content that you have subscribed to but is unavailable in the country you are visiting, you must modify your public-facing IP address to give the impression that you are in your home country. While there are multiple methods to change your IP address, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the most convenient option for streaming Netflix content. Only a handful of commercial VPN providers possess the requisite capabilities to effectively bypass Netflix's IP blocking mechanisms.
How to Watch Arcane: League of Legends with a VPN?
- Register with a VPN service that is compatible with Netflix US. We suggest ExpressVPN for streaming Netflix.
- Subsequently, download and install the application that suits your streaming device. All of the recommended VPNs offer at least desktop and mobile applications.
- Log into the VPN application prior to connecting to a server in the US. This enables you to obtain a US IP address and thus access the American version of Netflix.
- Navigate to Netflix. You should be directed to the US version of the site. Log in and select the desired content. It should now stream without any hindrance.
- If you encounter streaming issues or are redirected to a different Netflix page, clear your browser's cookies. Alternatively, attempt a different server.
FlyVPN is our top recommendation for unblocking Netflix. FlyVPN has over 500 VPN servers in 40+ countries, ensuring a reliable connection for streaming Netflix from any location. Even with Netflix's security checks, it is not a concern as this VPN allows you to switch the connection city. If a server in Chicago is blocked by Netflix, you can connect to a server in Miami. It is extremely simple.
If you wish to test it before making a commitment, you can try FlyVPN risk-free. FlyVPN offers a free trial VPN service. Simply create an account on the FlyVPN website or within the client or application, and you can avail of 3 days of free VPN for the first time. After 3 days, you can use FlyVPN 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time. I trust this guide will assist you in learning how to watch Arcane: League of Legends from any corner of the world. If you have any queries, do not hesitate to post them in the comments section below.