The Third Day is an upcoming drama television miniseries created by writer Dennis Kelly and Felix Barrett, and directed by Marc Munden and Philippa Lowthorpe. It will premiere in the United States on September 14, 2020, on HBO, and in the United Kingdom on September 15, 2020, on Sky Atlantic.
The series chronicles the individual journeys of a man and woman who arrive on a mysterious island at different times. The production will be split into three parts with three interconnected stories.
How to watch The Third Day from anywhere?
If you can't to wait to watch The Third Day from anywhere, get a VPN. This is the best way to circumvent HBO and Sky Atlantic's geographic restrictions.
To watch The Third Day from anywhere, choose a VPN server located in the US or UK. Once the connection is established, you get a US IP or British IP address and you can watch The Third Day from anywhere.
So, choose a VPN service with servers in the US or UK. As VPN provider we recommend FlyVPN. It offers VPN servers in the US and UK, and the number of servers continues to increase. With these VPN servers, you can enjoy all the TV programs and all the US and British media, as if you were living in the US or UK.
If you want to use FlyVPN to watch The Third Day from anywhere, you can follow these simple steps:
- Choose a high-speed VPN with servers in the US. FlyVPN is lightning fast!
- Install the VPN and connect to a VPN server in the US or UK.
- Head over to or Sky Atlantic and start streaming The Third Day!
Additionally, FlyVPN offers free trial VPN service, you can create a FlyVPN account to enjoy 3 days free VPN. After 3 days, you can use free trial VPN 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time. If you still have questions about how to watch The Third Day from anywhere with VPN, please leave a comment.