City of God: The Fight Rages On is a Brazilian television series that premiered on Max on August 25, 2024. The series serves as a follow-up to the 2002 film City of God, adapted by Bráulio Mantovani from the novel by Paulo Lins and directed by Kátia Lund and Fernando Meirelles.
Set two decades after the events of the film, the series has Wilson "Rocket" Rodrigues achieving his dreams of becoming a photojournalist. He returns to the favela to document the disputes between drug dealers, police, militiamen, and politicians and how the events impact the lives of its residents.
How to watch City of God: The Fight Rages On from anywhere |
But, before jumping onto Max’s website, you will need to face a minor inconvenience, regional barriers. Max applies regional barriers which makes it difficult to access it outside the US. Get around them with the help of the premium services of VPN.
How to watch City of God: The Fight Rages On Outside US?
With a VPN, you can circumvent regional barriers on MAX, as this VPN sidesteps these limitations with just a few clicks by assigning your device a US location, and you can access MAX to watch City of God: The Fight Rages On outside the US. Just follow these steps to watch City of God: The Fight Rages Outside the US on HBO:
- Subscribe to FlyVPN.
- Download the VPN app on your device.
- Connect to a US-based server.
- Sign in to HBO Max on your device using your credentials.
- You are good to go! Watch City of God: The Fight Rages On Outside US on Max!
FlyVPN gives you plenty of VPN servers in the US to access MAX no matter where you are. Furthermore, it barely takes a few clicks to get around MAX’s regional barriers and anti-VPN technologies using FlyVPN. Lastly, with FlyVPN, you can enjoy high-speed and buffer-free streaming of “City of God: The Fight Rages On” outside the US on your desired device.
If you want to test it for yourself before committing, you can try FlyVPN risk-free backed. FlyVPN offers a free trial VPN service. Simply create an account on the FlyVPN website or in the client or App, and you can get 3 days of free VPN for the first time. After 3 days, you can use FlyVPN 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time. I hope this guide will help you learn how to watch Welcome to City of God: The Fight Rages On from anywhere. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below.
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