To watch The Bing Theory live in France, you have to use the best French VPN service FlyVPN to get around all the restricted geographies and enjoy the best streaming.
Channel list for The Bing Bang Theory
Below is a list of the channels that broadcast The Bing Bang Theory in their countries of origin. You can watch every episode of The Bing Bang Theory by choosing one of these channels and select the official country of your favorite channel in the FlyVPN server.
United States: CBS
Canada: CTV
Quebec: VRAK
United Kingdom: Channel 4
Australia: Channel 9
Belgium: The Two
France: Canal + Series
China: Sohu TV
How to watch The Bing Bang Theory from any country?
Follow the steps below to watch The Bing Theory from anywhere
- Subscribe to FlyVPN.
- Download and install the FlyVPN app for one of your favorite smart devices.
- Connect to the corresponding country VPN server to watch The Bing Bang Theory. For example, Connecting to a China VPN server, you will get a Chinese IP address and unlock Sohu TV from any country.