Thursday, June 12, 2014

Watch World Cup live on smart phone: CCTV 5 app

The Brazil World Cup is before our eyes. Can not wait any more to watch live final matches. But some people living out of their countries are confused how to watch Brazil World Cup live matches. Today i will teach you how a Chinese people living abroad watch CNTV Brazil World Cup without blocked by the region restrictions. And how to watch Brazil World Cup live matches on your smartphone and laptop.

First, be aware that only CNTV has the right to live broadcast the Brazil World Cup. The first questions i raised is simple, to configure a China mainland VPN on your computer. That certainly would unblock the CNTV region restrictions. The VPN should have plenty of China mainland VPN, or when certain server is broken, you could not resort to another server to watch Brazil World Cup.

The second question is to be solved. CCTV had claimed that it would cooperate with aliyun, and CCTV 5 app Android version would be allowed to broadcast Brazil World Cup live matches. That is indeed a good news to smart phone users. They do not need to watch live matches on PC or TV, which might cost their job or lead to a row in family members. More importantly, this live broadcast on CCTV 5 app would prove to be simultaneously running with TV broadcast live, which would not lag behind TV live as before. 

Choose a USA vpn to reduce LOL ping

LOL, although has been sold for many years in USA and European, has been popular all those days, and up to now, we can find LOL on the top 10 most popular games in most countries.

However, although the servers of respective countries have been set, many people still have to endure the high ping when they want to experience LOL with USA servers.
High ping is the biggest enemy of all gamers. I have met many gamers who complained about the high ping of USA servers when playing LOL. Because of the property of LOL, high ping would mean it would be too much jam on your computer so you could not play LOL or other large-scale PC games when the ping is too high.

The commonest way to reduce the ping is to have a VPN. But the effects are not for sure. Sometimes without a VPN, the network is good enough for you to play LOL, but at other times, even a VPN could not solve the problem of high ping. So the free trial of VPN becomes really crucial, for only through that you would know whether this certain VPN would work on your local network.

Actually, your ping has nothing to do with VPN. Your local network determined your ping. Besides, when you asked the support service for free trial account, ask her if the ping gets higher after you bought, is there any way to reduce the ping? If you thought his answers are not good enough to prompt you to buy, my suggestion is to give this VPN, after all, there are lots of VPN on Internet.

Now, i will introduce how i had reduced the high ping from 375ms to 54ms when playing LOL.  Take a VPN, FlyVPN as example.  

1. Download the FlyVPN. Generally, VPN proxy needs to be downloaded to use on PC. Also, some VPN, like this FlyVPN, can be on PC without a client.

2. Visit free trial page of your VPN. Generally, if you can not find the free trial page, you could ask the support service for free trial account. And generally, he or she would tell you the effects of trial account is the same as paid account. So do not expect if the effects would be better if you buy that VPN even though the free trial results are bad.

3. Payment methods are different for different VPN.  Buy for a year is usually much cheaper for payment for a month. Be aware about the refund rules, you will need it if you are not satisfied with the effects. For example, if you bought FlyVPN, the refund is available within 30 days.

4. Be aware if the VPN is versatile, for in the future, you may need your account to be used on different devices. A qualified VPN should be at least compatible with Windows,  iOS,  Android. FlyVPN is basically up to that mark.
compatible with Windows, iOS, Android, PS, XBOX
compatible with Windows, iOS, Android, PS, XBOX

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Methods to fix the unstable VPN

LOL, a familiar name, even as a girl who do not fancy video games has heard of it many time. In the past, i have consulted many people about what they played. And most of them would tell us LOL, WOW...But they have also complained that their VPN servers are good enough to support this game. Sometimes, they had to endure the offline of VPN servers. And the most horrible in the process of playing games is that the VPN servers are unstable.

When gamers asked the support service of their VPN servers, they are answered poorly. Actually, support service can not help them. Unstable VPN servers are common, even support could not fix that because their VPN servers went offline sometimes, too.

Here, i would like to tell you how to fix the unstable VPN.
The first method is to change VPN protocol. I believe VPN protocol is not alien to most senior gamers, the most common protocol is PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, OpenVPN, SSTP, in which SSTP is usually used in bank or financial institution, we would not use that in home, generally speaking. Then, let's discuss about the rest three.

Generally, the most common use order of VPN protocol is PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, OpenVPN. If the PPTP is not good, then L2TP, and then IPSec, finallly OpenVPN . Change in this order your network might be more stable. And be aware that sometimes the VPN firms would develop their own specializing protocol. These protocols might be more safer or stable than the common ones. 

The second method is based on the VPN services itself. For example, many VPN software has more than one methods for you to stabilize and accelerate the games. You can consult the VPN provider for some advice. Some might tell you how to accelerate one certain programme or game, or how to let VPN server forcus on one game. Most VPN servers on the market features stability, but stability is not that easy to achieve.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Two methods to reduce ping

Gamers are all concerned by one common question when they are playing some games connecting to servers in foreign countries: high ping and latency.

However many VPN providers tout their products' abilities to reduce the ping, sometimes when users connected to their VPN servers, they are disappointed to find that the ping is as high as if they had not used any VPN server. They continued to change into another server, another server, another server...but find the same results.

Then, except from changing constantly into another VPN server, would their be other ways to reduce the ping effectively?

I would say yes. And i would recommend you two methods to reduce the ping effectively.

1. Specific traffic via VPN feature: Customers can tie applications to FlyVPN. Programs have been added into application list can surf via VPN. Other programs can continue to use originally network.

2. Custom Routes: The feature is very suitable for people who want to customize some traffic via VPN, others via original internet connection. Users can add multiple routes into table. 
However, be aware that these two methods only exists in FlyVPN, you have to download this software to apply those two methods.

Buy and play Wild star with USA VPN

How to buy Wild Star? That can not be simpler. But not as simple as you might think. For some people not living in the dominant countries all over the world, they find their IP addresses not recognizable to the Wild Star website and are deprived of their own right to buy. Such a thing may be seen as follow:
wild star
wild star
wild star
wild star
At this time, you  need a VPN to purchase the Wild Star, the black horse in 2014. According to my experience, Wild Star website accept the IP addresses from those dominant countries around the world: Britain, America, Korea, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore and some European countries.
And these credits cards are needed to pay or Paypal is acceptable. And be aware that Wild Star website is very sensitive to IP addresses, if your registered address and your second login IP address are different, it would send a security code to your E-mail box. You will enter that code to continue.
Wild Star
Wild Star
Wild Star
Wild Star
And the effects of VPN is not just help you to buy Wild Star, but also help you reduce the game ping. If you are in India, let us say, you want to connect to VPN in USA, the ping would be high, and the experience proved to be nothing more than a nightmare. But with an VPN, things would be normal. Ping would be reduced effectively if you had chosen the right VPN server.

I would recommend FlyVPN, which has large number servers in USA, Hongkong, Korea...Even if sometimes disconnected in my period of using,  i would ask: Which VPN server is always stable and would never be instable? None. And it is time to have a free trial of FlyVPN to decide its effects by real experience.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Configuration of VPN without client

Some people do not like VPN client on their PC. I do not like VPN client on my PC too. Because i already have enough softwares dotted on the table and do not want to add a new icon to the list of software.

OK, is there a VPN server that would save its client on PC and still can run normally? I want to say yes, and a VPN service that enables you to use VPN without the client is FlyVPN.

Although a VPN could not occupy as much space as some video games, it seems superfluous sometimes. FlyVPN has PBK file to save the client of VPN.

Although not the most reputated VPN, FlyVPN can boast as the VPN with the simplest configuration. It has user-friendly tutorials for anyone confused at configuration. It can boast as versatile for it can be compatible with Windows, iPhone, iPad, Mac OS X, Android, PS 3/Xbox.

And the thing that worth noticing about FlyVPN is that if you do not need to use FlyVPN for a long period, you can use the free trial of this VPN service.

Free trial VPN accounts are for evaluation and emergency use. Users with same IP address can use these accounts 3 times per day.

Online time for free trial VPN accounts is limited to 20 minutes. When the time limit is reached, please wait for 5 minutes to reconnect. If you just want to download the music or line stickers or something, that would mean utterly free VPN services for you.

How to choose a game VPN

According to the survey i had conducted, i found that League Of Legends is always the game that gamers in various countries played. But at the same time, LOL gamers are often confused by high ping.

Anyone who played video games such as LOL would always find that their lag is always extremely high. Sometimes when you are fighting fiercely with enemies, and you died for no reason quickly. So the method to lower the ping is the most important thing for a gamer who connected to a game server in foreign. My method is to configure a VPN on my PC to lower the ping.

League Of Legends
League Of Legends

To choose a VPN of good quality is very diffcult. Many people have complained that the VPN servers could not help them, and the effects of ping is the same even if they do not use VPN servers.
League Of Legends
League Of Legends

At this time, change into a better server is the only choice that is left. However, some gamers have complained that even if they had changed into several VPN servers, they could not still achieve the low ping that they had expected.

Here i would tell you how to select a quality VPN. First, it should have large number of servers for you to choose. That means, if one of the servers is not as good as you had thought, then you have plenty of spare servers to resort to.

Secondly, it should have the free trial that is long enough for you to decide whether it would do with you  LOL.

Thirdly, if VPN servers of large quantities can not save gamers from the mire of high ping, the last resort came, the function that aims at reducing the ping. It is designed to reduce the lag especially in the case of game.
The VPN that is up to all the marks i have proposed is FlyVPN.